The all of her prediction was made on 1980 if you have read about her before you will know that her prediction about Russian Nuclear submarine perished on Kursk was true but at the indirect word of her
She died on August,11 1996 she live in the city of Petrich, Bulgaria but before that she had predict the world future from 2008 - 3979
I've posting for the reading only not to make the belief or any frightened
because the article was very interested and it's about the science of the world too.
Just Read This For Fun
2008 - The leader of 4 country was killed, The cause of beginning of World War 3.
2010 - Beginning of the World War 3, Nuclear & Biologiocal Weapon has been used.
2016 - Europe has been abandoned.
2018 - China become the leader of the world.
2023 - The orbit of Solar system change a bit.
2028 - New source of energy was invented, People can travel to Venus
2033 - Ice on Arctic Melt out
2043 - World Economics Get Higher, Muslim occupy on Europe
2046 - All of Organ can be created
2066 - UK attack Muslim with the weather control weapon, make the weather colder
2076 - Classless Socialism (Communism)
2084 - The World was recovered
2088 - The Disease of being older instantly
2097 - Can cure the disease of being older instantly
2100 - An invented Sun can give the light at the night time
2111 - Cyborg become alive
2125 - Recieve the signal from space
2130 - Build A colony under water
2164 - Animal become Animal-Human
2167 - A new Religion initiated
2183 - Colony on Mars want to be independented from the Earth
2187 - The explosion of the volcano can be stopped
2195 - The Colony under sea can treat people perfectly
2196 - Completely Union Asia & Europe
2221 - Searching the life outer space make people face with something very dangerous
2256 - A spaceship bring hazard dicease
2262 - The orbit of Solar System doesn't stable
2273 - The union of the people make new kind of skin-color
2279 - Found An Energy of emptiness (Vacuum, Black Hole)
2288 - Can travel through time and space , connect with the alien
2291 - The sun is extinguishing, trying to light it up again
2296 - The explosion on The sun make the satellite collapsed
2299 - France resist the Muslim
2302 - A new theory of the birth of Solar System
2304 - Found the secret of the moon
2354 - An invented Sun error make the disaster
2371 - The problem of Starvation become severely
2480 - Two of Invented Suns crash themselves
3005 - Beginning of the war on Mars
3010 - Comet crash the moon make the ruined of comet revolved around the Earth
3797 - Nothing left ALIVE on the earth but move to the other planet already